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As SIGMA, we encourage the authors to use Mendeley as a reference management software. You can download Mendeley from the website freely. It is easy to learn from the videos and tutorials. After plug-ins in MS Word, authors need to select "Journal of Thermal Engineering" or "Energy" as a citation style. Mendeley manages your citations and bibliographies formatted in the journal's style.


To give an example for manual referencing below:


For journal articles

[1]         Camci M. Thermodynamic analysis of a novel integration of a spray dryer and solar collectors: A case study of a milk powder drying system. Dry Technol 2019;0:1–11. doi:10.1080/07373937.2019.1570935.

[2]         Acikgoz O, Karakoyun Y, Yumurtacı Z, Dukhan N, Dalkılıç AS. Realistic experimental heat transfer characteristics of radiant floor heating using sidewalls as heat sinks. Energy Build 2019;183:515–26. doi:10.1016/j.enbuild.2018.11.022.

For books

[3]         Dinçer İ, Zamfirescu C. Drying Phenomena. Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd; 2015. doi:10.1002/9781118534892.

For thesis

[4]         Fisher DE. An experimental investigation of mixed convection heat transfer in a rectangular enclosure. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1995.

For standards

[5]         BS EN ISO 7726:2001 Ergonomics of the thermal environment. Instruments for measuring physical quantities, 2002.


Developed by Dr. Aydin Secer 2014-Istanbul